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"Live bacteria" probiotics. What common probiotics are there?

Understanding Probiotics' Effects on Human Health

Probiotics are living bacteria that, when consumed in the right quantity, can improve people's health, according to the World Health Organization.

"Live bacteria" probiotics. What common probiotics are there?

Probiotics are defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as living microorganisms that, when consumed in the proper quantity, can improve a person's health. These three probiotic traits are present in this:

"Live bacteria" is what probiotics are.

In other words, probiotics can withstand different digestion enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract and enter the human intestines and stomach alive.

Benefits to health

Only those may be categorised as probiotics if they are good for human health.

Up to 100 trillion different types of bacteria reside in our intestines, with a specific amount of each type—beneficial bacteria, dangerous bacteria, and neutral bacteria—existing in our bodies.

The immune system's equilibrium is broken and the body's defence against viruses and bacteria is weakened when the intestinal flora of humans is out of balance, leading to several disorders. 

These illnesses range from different types of diarrhoea to irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, and obesity to allergies, asthma, and other immunological disorders. Probiotic supplements have been scientifically proven to be effective in treating diarrhoea when the human body has an unbalanced intestinal flora.

In addition to treating inflammatory bowel disease and other digestive disorders, antibiotics can also prevent diarrhoea.

What common probiotics are there?

The primary probiotic in the human small intestine, Lactobacillus acidophilus, aids in digesting and shields women against vaginal infections.

Improve human immunity and treat chronic diarrhoea and constipation using bifidobacterium.

Intestinal infections can be avoided, diarrhoea can be treated, and lactose intolerance can be relieved using Lactobacillus rhamnosus.

Promotes digestion, and decreases cholesterol, blood pressure, and allergies thanks to lactobacillus casei.

Lactobacillus paracasei: guard against severe diarrhoea and food sensitivities.

Improve immunity and control blood lipids with lactobacillus Plantarum.

Yoghurt is not advised in place of probiotics for those who need to supplement their diet. Under the direction of a physician, selecting non-liquid professional probiotic supplements is advised.

Additionally, because different probiotics have various effects, you must "prescribe the proper prescription" under a doctor's supervision. 

Although prolonged usage of probiotics has not been linked to any severe negative effects, it is often advised to take them for no more than two weeks. In other words, prolonged usage is not advised. Probiotics are not necessary for those who have healthy intestines.

How to choose probiotics:

The wrong probiotic type is chosen. Each type of probiotic has a unique purpose, and certain dietary supplements can have matching benefits. Bifidobacteria, for instance, can enter the large intestine, encourage bowel motions, aid in defecation, and control intestinal diseases;

Allergies can be improved by Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus rhamnosus, while lactose digestion can be aided by Streptococcus thermophilus, which can penetrate the small intestine. Probiotics are utilised in meals in 70% of cases.

If a specific type of probiotic is missing from the product you are purchasing, it is more effective to take a customised probiotic preparation while under the supervision of a physician.

1.  There is not enough of the additional amount. Probiotic supplements must include at least 5-10 billion or more active bacteria each time to be effective. The more active bacteria, the better. It is challenging for probiotics to enter the intestines after eating since they are anaerobic and intolerant to high temperatures.

As a result, whenever enough probiotics are consumed, some of them can be retained and allowed to live as long as possible in the gut. To avoid being exposed to too much oxygen while using probiotic supplements, makeup with warm water at about 37°C (the water temperature shouldn't be too high). The same holds true for other probiotic-rich meals.

Probiotics are highly acid-sensitive. Probiotics cannot survive in normal stomach acid, which has a pH value of roughly 1.8. Before and after meals, hunger and food stimulation increase stomach acid output, and unsuitability for supplements should pick a time to take probiotics when the pH of stomach acid is somewhat high.

The best time to take probiotic supplements is between 30 and 60 minutes after a meal when the sense of fullness is strong, the production of gastric acid is minimised, and the majority of the food is still in the stomach. Between meals, it may also be supplied.

Ineffective preservation technique. Probiotic-containing foods need to be sealed and kept in a cool environment for storage. They should be eaten as soon as possible after being opened.

Air can activate probiotics because it includes water molecules, while oxygen can destroy anaerobic probiotics.

It is simpler to store and easier to assimilate dry probioticgranules in individual, little containers or sealed fresh dairy products.


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