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prostate enlargement, Prostate cancer

In later life, the majority of men will have some prostate-related issues, and many may need to decide whether or not to have prostate surgery. This article looks at various factors to take into account while choosing.

prostate enlargement, Prostate cancer

A few men experience growing urinary problems when they enter middle age due to an expansion of the prostate gland. By the time most men retire, there is a better than 50% chance that they will be having urinary issues.

If they are fortunate enough to live to be 80 years old, they will almost surely experience urine problems since by this age, 90% of males in the male population have prostate problems.

prostate enlargement

Although prostate enlargement is fairly prevalent, it is also a benign disorder that affects only the prostate gland, and for many men, it will develop relatively gradually over many years.

There are a number of symptoms, almost all of which are connected to issues with passing water. These symptoms can range from quite mild ones that are really not too bothersome and which you can definitely live with as just another sign of aging to more severe ones that are sufficiently inconvenient to warrant treatment.

Prostate cancer

which begins in the prostate gland but can eventually spread throughout the body and is a very dangerous condition, will also affect a significant number of men in addition to the common issue of an enlarged prostate, which will affect almost all men at some point. Prostate cancer is currently the second most common cause of cancer-related death in the United States.

Contrary to what you may have heard, an enlarged prostate does not cause prostate cancer. Prostate cancer and an enlarged prostate are two very different disorders. However, the two illnesses can coexist, and one issue with prostate cancer is that the signs of an enlarged prostate might conceal the existence of cancer that is progressing.

Therefore, the first step is to contact and make an appointment with your doctor as soon as you start to have any type of difficulty passing water so that he can determine the cause of the issue.

Prostate surgery will almost surely be suggested by your doctor if you visit him or her at the first indication of discomfort and he or she diagnoses prostate cancer, which is extremely likely to be in an early stage of growth and limited to the prostate gland.

In this instance, the answer to whether or not you should undergo prostate surgery is always going to be "yes" unless there is a very solid reason why you shouldn't (such as the existence of other medical issues that put you in danger from surgery).

There is no doubt that the best approach to treat cancer is to completely eradicate it, and when it is limited to the prostate gland, surgery is the best and easiest way to accomplish this.

However, if your doctor just finds an enlarged prostate, the decision of whether or not to have surgery becomes a little more difficult, so you should talk to your doctor about your alternatives.

A variety of surgical, non-surgical, pharmacological therapy, and non-invasive procedures are all available for treating an enlarged prostate, and each has benefits, drawbacks, and dangers of its own.

The main distinction in the case of an enlarged prostate is that the majority of therapies are not intended to treat the condition but rather to lessen symptoms in order to prevent it from significantly affecting your quality of life.

Depending on the root of your issues, you should decide whether or not to have prostate surgery. If your doctor recommends prostate surgery for you if you have prostate cancer, you should almost probably follow their advice unless there is a compelling reason not to.

But if prostate surgery is being considered because of an enlarged prostate, you will have a variety of different options available to you. You will need to decide whether or not prostate surgery is the best option for you, in conjunction with your doctor.


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