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Joints. What is arthrosis? Causes, symptoms, and treatment.

The two most prevalent areas of the body affected by arthritis are the knees and the joints in the palms. the two most common types of arthritis, namely: osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis, are soreness, and stiffness in the joints the main symptoms of arthritis.

There are less common types of arthritis that may be the result of other medical problems affecting other parts of the body, such as lupus, which may affect the kidneys, lungs, and joints, and psoriasis, which is a skin disease that sometimes affects the joints as well.

Joints. What is arthrosis? Causes, symptoms, and treatment.

the signs of arthritis

The most common symptoms of arthritis related to the type of inflammation, and may include the following:





A drop in range of motion.

Some specific types of arthritis have symptoms and signs that affect other organs in the body, these symptoms include the following:

Elevated body temperature.


The rash.

A drop in weight.

Breathing problems.

Dryness in the eyes and mouth.

Causes and Risk Factors of arthritic 

With age, the likelihood of developing many types of arthritis increases, and the pain associated with arthritis arises as a result of joint injury.

The following components make up the joint:

Articular cartilage: it is a hard but smooth shell at the ends of the bones, the articular cartilage enables the bones to move smoothly.

All of the joint's components are encased in a tough, tough membrane known as the articular capsule.

Synovial membrane: it is a thin membrane that surrounds the articular capsule and produces synovial fluid (Synovial fluid) used as a lubricant for joint movement.

How can inflammatory conditions impact joints?

The two most common types of arthritis affect the joints in different forms, in what the illustration comes:


The bones may move one on top of the other, causing them to wear together and causing damage to the cartilage. This produces discomfort and reduces the joint's range of motion.

The process of damage and rupture of cartilage can last many years, and can quickly occur as a result of injury or inflammation of the joint.

Rheumatoid arthritis

In this type of arthritis, the immune system attacks the synovial membrane and causes inflammation in it, which leads to swelling, redness, and pain in the Joint, this disease may eventually lead to the destruction of the cartilage and bone connected to the joint.

Risk factors

Risk factors for arthritis include the following:

Family history

Some types of arthritis are hereditary, so the likelihood of developing these types is higher in people with a family history of the disease, that is, those who have parents, mothers, siblings, or sisters who have had the disease before.

It is not the genes that cause the disease, but they increase the degree of sensitivity to environmental factors that can cause the disease.


With age, the likelihood of developing many types of arthritis increases, including arthrosis and rheumatoid arthritis.


Rheumatoid arthritis is more common in women than in men, although gout is more common in males.

former joint injuries

For instance, those who have previously had a joint injury while participating in a sport run the chance of getting arthritis in the affected joint.

Excess obesity

Carrying excess weight puts pressure on the joints, especially the knees, pelvis, and spine, so people with obesity are at high risk of developing arthritis.

complications with arthritis

Acute arthritis, especially when it affects the hands or arms, may make it difficult for the patient to perform simple daily tasks, it may also make it difficult for the sufferer to walk or sit upright, and in certain cases, the joints may be crooked and deformed.

Diagnosis of arthritic disease

Doctors recommend some of the tests detailed below depending on the type of arthritis they suspect, the tests include the following:

1. Laboratory tests

Analysis and examination of various body fluids that can help determine the type of inflammation, the fluids that are examined and analyzed are:



Joint fluid.

To obtain a sample of joint fluid, the doctor must sterilize and anesthetize the skin, then insert a needle into the hollow of the joint to draw out a little of the fluid contained inside it.

2. Filming

The following tests can detect joint problems that cause symptoms of arthritis.

X-ray image.

Magnetic resonance imaging.


In certain cases, the doctor looks for an injury to the Joint by inserting a small, flexible tube called an arthroscope. by making an opening next to the joint, the endoscope broadcasts images of the joint cavity to the video screen.

Arthritis treatment

Fixation of the Joint by a splint can be effective in the treatment of various types of arthritis, the treatment of arthritis is focused on alleviating the symptoms and improving the ability of the joints to perform their function.

Sometimes there is a need to experiment with different treatments or combine different treatments with each other in order to be able to determine the best treatment for the specific patient, therapeutic options include the following:

1. Common drugs for the treatment of arthritis

There are many medications for the treatment of arthritis depending on the type of inflammation, which includes the following:

Pain medications: this type of medication helps relieve pain but does not affect inflammation.

Antistimulating drugs: include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and antirheumatic drugs to change the character of the disease.

Biological drugs: these drugs are usually used by combining them with anti-rheumatoid and disease-modifying drugs. 

Corticosteroid drugs: relieve the severity of inflammation.

2. Treatment with surgery

If traditional methods of treatment do not help and do not bring the desired results, the doctor may recommend surgery, such as:

Resection of the synovial membrane.

Joint fusion.

Prevention of arthritic disease

There is no known and obvious way to prevent arthritis, but maintaining a healthy weight and continuing to exercise regularly will reduce the risk of injury.

Alternative treatments

Many people resort to alternative therapies to treat arthritis, but there is little evidence to prove their effectiveness, some alternative therapies help to alleviate the symptoms of only certain types of arthritis, and the best methods of alternative treatment for arthritis include the following:

Physiotherapy can be effective in treating various types of arthritis.

Exercise can increase the range of motion and strengthen the muscles surrounding the joint. 

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation 

Acupuncture can be effective.

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