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Dandruff. causes, signs, and treatment

When tiny fragments of dry skin are shed from the scalp, dandruff develops. Additionally, dandruff may irritate your scalp. Though widespread, the issue is more complex than it first appears to be.

Dandruff. causes,signs , and treatment

The signs of dandruff

The most obvious sign that someone may have dandruff is the characteristic spots of white, skin-dead, flakes on the scalp that fall out of your hair. The lists other signs:

1- The scalp may occasionally itch.

2. Dry or greasy scalp scales

3. In serious circumstances Scaly, elevated pimples that are yellow to reddish along the hairline

Causes of Dandruff

Many things can cause dandruff to appear.

Dermatitis seborrheic It's probably a mild form of seborrheic dermatitis if your case of dandruff is extremely nasty. Seborrheic dermatitis is a persistent kind of eczema that mostly impacts the body's oil-secreting regions.

Daphne is frequently more common among those with oily skin. The rationale Malassezia globosa, a kind of yeast, feeds on the oils on the scalp. The scalp responds by accelerating the rate at which skin cells regenerate when this oil breakdown is perceived as irritation by certain people's bodies, Amy McMichael, MD, professor of dermatology and chief of the dermatology department at Wake Forest School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, makes this observation. 

It takes a whole month for new skin cells on the scalp to develop, die and shed in those without dandruff. On the other hand, dandruff sufferers experience this process in just two to seven days, according to a study published in the Journal of Medical Chemistry.

Although M. globosa has long been considered to be the primary risk factor for dandruff, a causal association has not yet been conclusively proven, according to a paper published in the journal Experimental Dermatology in July 2019.

An allergic reaction or an irritant can irritate the skin, causing contact dermatitis, which manifests as an itchy, potentially painful rash. And in the case of dandruff, the scalp exhibits that response. The American Academy of Dermatology Association claims that hair care products or dyes are typically to blame for this.

arid skin Dandruff may be brought on by dry skin if the chilly winter air dries out your entire body, including your scalp. The flakes produced by dry skin are often smaller and less oily than those produced by SD. (In addition, according to the Cleveland Clinic, cold and dry regions can make SD worse.) proper up arrow

Anyone can develop dandruff, however, the following variables may increase your risk.

habits with shampoo Dr. McMichael warns that infrequent bathing might make dandruff worse in people who are already at risk.

According to a paper published in the Journal of Clinical and Investigative Dermatology, age-related dandruff frequently starts during puberty and peaks around age 20, decreasing much less commonly in people over 50.

Sex Testosterone is an example of an androgen hormone that stimulates sebaceous gland activity. 

compromised immune system SD is more common among those who have had organ transplants, as well as in those who have AIDS, hepatitis C, or alcoholic pancreatitis.

Psychiatric and neurological disorders A person's risk of SD is increased by a number of illnesses, including dandruff, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, and spinal cord injury.

Parkinson's patients, for instance, have a compromised autonomic nervous system that aids in the regulation of processes like oil gland secretions, which can result in an overproduction that causes dandruff.

history of prior skin conditions Acne, psoriasis, eczema, and rosacea can cause or aggravate seborrheic dermatitis.

greasy skin You are more likely to develop seborrheic dermatitis if you have naturally oily skin.

Dandruff treatment

1- Aloe vera 

Aloe vera is a succulent that is frequently used in lotions, creams, and ointments for the skin.

It may be used topically to treat skin problems like burns, psoriasis, and cold sores.

One research claims that aloe vera's antibacterial and antifungal qualities may also guard against dandruff.

Similar to this, several test-tube studies indicate that aloe vera may be beneficial against a variety of fungus species and may aid in the management of specific fungal illnesses.

Aloe vera may help with symptoms by reducing inflammation, according to test-tube research.

2- stress levels

Stress is thought to have an impact on a variety of areas of health and wellness, including everything from mental health to chronic illnesses.

Although stress doesn't really cause dandruff, it can make symptoms like dryness and itching worse.

Long-term high-stress levels can change or inhibit the immune system's function, which can make it harder for your body to fight against dandruff-causing fungi and skin disorders.

In fact, 28% of those with seborrheic dermatitis, one of the most widespread causes of dandruff, claimed that stress was a factor in the onset of their dermatitis symptoms.

You can attempt stress-reduction methods like meditation, yoga, deep breathing, or aromatherapy to keep your levels of stress under control.

3- Aspirin

One of the key ingredients in aspirin that gives it its anti-inflammatory effects is salicylic acid.

Many anti-dandruff shampoos also contain this acid as a component.

It works by making flakes easier to remove and aiding in the removal of scaly skin.

In an older, 4-week trial, 19 participants with dandruff used either zinc pyrithione or piroctone olamine and salicylic acid shampoo. Both shampoos reduced dandruff, but the salicylic acid-containing shampoo was better at lessening the degree of scaling.

In another tiny trial, it was shown that a shampoo with salicylic acid, combined with additional components including glycolic acid and urea, dramatically reduced itchiness and irritation in 10 persons with scalp inflammation.

Try breaking two aspirin tablets and mixing the powder with your shampoo before washing your hair for a simple dandruff cure.

4- foods

Although further study is required to determine the connection between nutrition and dandruff, some individuals may discover that restricting their intake of particular foods reduces inflammation, which might enhance the condition of their scalp.

Furthermore, according to some research, altering one's diet might prevent fungal infections by reducing yeast development and enhancing one's gut flora, which may help with dandruff therapy.

You might wish to restrict the following foods:

refined carbohydrates found in crackers, white bread, white pasta, and tortillas

foods prepared with red meat

fried food

sweet meals and drinks

Furthermore, some foods may cause flare-ups of skin diseases like eczema, which can worsen dandruff.

While each person has different trigger foods, some of the more popular ones are white flour, meals containing gluten, and nightshades including eggplant, peppers, and tomatoes.

5- Probiotics"Live bacteria" 

Probiotics are good bacteria that have been linked to a number of health advantages, including as improved weight reduction, protection against allergies, and lowered cholesterol levels.

Additionally, these bacteria may boost immunological response, which might aid your body in battling the dandruff-causing fungi.

In fact, one study found that administering probiotics for 56 days dramatically lessened the severity of dandruff in 60 individuals.

Additionally, probiotics have been demonstrated to benefit the treatment and prevention of skin disorders including eczema and dermatitis, particularly in newborns and young children.

There are several probiotic supplements available for easy and quick dosing. Additionally, they are present in a variety of fermented foods such as kombucha, kimchi, tempeh, sauerkraut, and natto.

6-Coconut oil

Coconut oil, known for its many health advantages, is also employed as a home cure for dandruff.

It could function by hydrating the skin more effectively and avoiding dryness, which can exacerbate dandruff.

According to some studies, when used as a moisturizer, coconut oil may be just as efficient as mineral oil at enhancing skin moisture.

According to another study, coconut oil can help cure eczema, a skin disease that can worsen dandruff.

In an older, 8-week trial, it was shown that putting coconut oil on the skin significantly decreased the itching and inflammation associated with atopic dermatitis, a kind of eczema.

Applying coconut oil to the scalp significantly improved the scalp microbiota and certain dandruff-related indicators in a 12-week research involving 140 women.

In certain test-tube investigations, coconut oil and its components have also been proven to have antibacterial characteristics; however, scientists have not yet looked into the effects on the particular strain of fungus that causes dandruff.


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