What is vitamin E?
It is one of the fat-soluble vitamins, and it exists in several forms, the most important of which are tocopherol and tocotrienol. Vitamin E is preferably taken with a fatty meal to facilitate absorption and is kept in.
Sources of vitamin E
There are many natural sources of vitamin E, as it is available in many foods and foods, such as:
Vegetable oils.
Vegetables, such as lettuce, kale, broccoli, parsley, and olives.
Milk and eggs.
Fruits, such as avocado, mango, and kiwi.
Nuts, such as almonds.
Wheat seed oil.
Vitamin E supplements are also available in pharmacies and can be taken to compensate for the deficiency or other reasons with the advice of a doctor.
The benefits of vitamin E
The benefits of vitamin E for the body and health, in general, are numerous.
Vitamin E is an antioxidant
Vitamin E is characterized by being an antioxidant, as it eliminates free radicals in the body that attack cells and cause abnormalities in them, which increases the likelihood of their transformation into cancer cells.
Vitamin E for the skin
Vitamin E plays an important role in skin regeneration and maintaining its freshness. This is because it fights free radicals that harm skin cells, causing them to show symptoms of premature aging and various signs of aging of the skin. Vitamin E also treats the effects of pills and scarring.
Vitamin E for hair
Being an antioxidant, vitamin E reduces the destructive effect of the surrounding environment on the hair, helps to renew the skin cycle of the scalp, and moisturizes it, so the hair appears vibrant and healthy. This is done by applying vitamin E oil to the scalp.
Vitamin E for the menstrual cycle
Vitamin E reduces menstrual pain in women and also helps relieve the intensity of bleeding during the cycle. One of the benefits of vitamin E for women is also that it can help alleviate the symptoms and mood changes associated with PMS.
The benefits of vitamin E for sex and men
The benefits of vitamin E for men are numerous, and this is due to its effect on fertility, as more than 90% of the causes of infertility in men are low sperm count, lack of movement, or change in shape. Vitamin E is effective in increasing fertility in men, as its antioxidant properties make it protect sperm from free radicals present in the body, which can cause sperm destruction and deformation.
Vitamin E oil: its benefits and uses
Vitamin E oil is available either in factory or organic, it must be kept in a lightproof case and kept away from high heat. The benefits and uses of vitamin E oil include:
Relieve dark circles.
Prevent the appearance of signs of skin aging caused by atmospheric radiation and pollutants.
A general skin moisturizer.
Reduce the effects of scars resulting from operations, wounds, or skin pigmentation.
Strengthen the hair follicle and remove hair tangles, increasing hair shine and density.
Treatment of sunburn.
Strengthen nails and reduce their breakage.
Vitamin E cream
Due to the importance of vitamin E for the skin, many vitamin E products have been manufactured in the form of a cream for easy application on the skin and superficially on the areas to be treated with vitamin E.
Vitamin E capsules: their benefits and method of use
Vitamin E capsules are available, which are used orally or applied directly to the skin according to the instructions for each type. Here's how to take vitamin E capsules:
Vitamin E capsules are taken orally with a fatty meal for easier absorption.
Vitamin E capsules can also be used by piercing them, extracting the oil from the inside, and applying it to the area to be treated. It is often intended for the face, especially around the eyes, and the oil is applied to a cotton pad and the skin is smeared in it.
Recommended daily vitamin E dosage
The body's daily need for vitamin E varies depending on the age stage, the following is the recommended amount of vitamin E per day depending on age and category:
Newborns from one day to 6 months of age (male and female): 4 mg.
Children from 6-12 months (male and female): 5 mg.
Children 1-3 years old (male and female): 6 mg.
Children 4-8 years old (male and female): 7 mg.
Children 9-13 years old (male and female): 11 mg.
Adolescents older than 14 years (male and female): 15 mg.
Adult women and men: 15 mg.
Pregnant and lactating women: 15 mg.
Vitamin E for pregnant women
Normal levels of vitamin E are important for pregnant women, the health of tissues in the body, and the proper development of the fetus during pregnancy. But you should not overdo it either, as excess vitamin E during pregnancy can be harmful, as it can increase the risk of birth defects in the fetus, abdominal pain in pregnant women, and premature rupture of membranes.
Vitamin E and contraindications to its use
Vitamin E should be used with caution in patients with:
Diseases of the kidneys or liver.
Diabetes mellitus.
Low level of vitamin K.
Blood clotting disorders.
Vitamin E supplements should also not be taken excessively, as vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means that consuming it too much, will cause it to be stored by the body instead of being eliminated through urine when consumed in more quantities than specified.
Excessive intake of vitamin E can cause many serious complications and health problems, including:
Prostate cancer.
Reduce blood clotting to a dangerous extent, especially in the case of high levels of vitamin E.
Increasing the incidence of stroke (in English: Stroke), because vitamin E increases the possibility of bleeding inside the brain.
Disorders of the thyroid gland.
Also, taking vitamin E at a rate of 400 units per day can cause some side effects, including:
General fatigue of the body.