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Ringworm.Causes, symptoms, and treatment of ringworm

What is ringworm?

The term ringworm is called a group of infections that affect the skin caused by a group of fungi, ringworm affects both humans and animals, and ringworm initially appears in the form of red spots in the affected areas of the skin and later spreads to other parts of the body, and may affect the scalp, feet, groin, beard or other sites and based on the part:

Ringworm.Causes, symptoms, and treatment of ringworm

Ringworm of the beard.

Tinea capitis.

Tinea corporis.

Ringworm of the thigh.

Ringworm of the face.

Ringworm of the hand.

Tinea pedis.

Ringworm of the nails.

Causes of ringworm

Ringworm infection occurs as a result of direct exposure to the fungi that cause the condition and are found in the soil, such as Trichophyton, Microsporum, and epidermophyton, which can be exposed to humans in several ways, namely:

Direct handling of soil containing the causative fungus.

Contact with infected animals.

touch with the diseased individual directly.

Sharing unclean things, especially among children.

risk elements

compromised immune system.

Use of public baths, public swimming pools, or changing rooms.

Wear tight shoes.

Excessive sweating.

animal handling and intimate touch.

The presence of minor wounds on the skin increases the chance of infection when exposed to fungi.

Walking barefoot.

Sharing some unclean tools and objects such as hairbrushes and unwashed clothes.

Symptoms of ringworm

Symptoms depend on the type of affected area and may be as follows:

A red-colored rash forms a ring around the normal skin.

The appearance of pimples and spots with specific edges.

Tinea capitis causes red spots on the head that are itchy, can leave bald spots, and usually affects children.

They cause itching, burning, and splitting of the skin between the toes of the athlete's foot.

They cause itching and a burning, itchy rash in the groin area.

Discoloration and thickening of the nails in cases of ringworm of the nails.

How is ringworm diagnosed?

Among the steps in diagnosing ringworm are the following:

The doctor examined the patient's skin using a black light, as the fungus glows when exposed to that light.

Take a biopsy of the skin and send it for laboratory examination.

Scrape off the affected mow and send the sample for laboratory examination using potassium hydroxide, which does not affect fungal cells, which makes it easier to see them under a microscope.

Treatment of ringworm

The method of treating ringworm depends on the severity of the infection, and among the methods used to treat ringworm are the following:

The use of topical antifungal drugs such as creams, ointments, and others.

The use of oral antifungal drugs such as ketoconazole, microcrystalline, or terbinafine under the supervision of a doctor.

The future forecast for ringworm is excellent with good compliance with the instructions for treatment or prevention and subsequent taking of precautions to avoid the recurrence of infection.

Dermatological medications are needed to get rid of ringworm for a period of two to four weeks, and in severe cases where the infected person does not respond to over-the-counter home remedies, the doctor may prescribe antimycotics to get rid of the infection. In general, most people respond positively to treatment.

How can ringworm be prevented?

Maintain the cleanliness of the skin and nails.

Avoid prolonged exposure of the skin and feet to moisture and getting wet.

Treatment of tinea pedis helps to avoid infection with ringworm of the nails.

Wear clean and loose underwear.

Wash hands after handling animals.

Avoid contact with infected animals in cases of weakened immunity.

Keep the hair clean and wash it with shampoo regularly.

Wear shoes when using public restrooms.

Avoid sharing the infected person's tools and clothes.

Keep feet dry and clean.


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