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Weight loss stopped despite adherence to the diet

Weight may decrease at the beginning of a new diet, but most people find that it begins to stabilize and it becomes more difficult to lose weight.

This is simply due to a process called the Weight Loss Plateau, and this bodily function makes it extremely difficult to maintain weight loss and this is partly the reason why 95% of diets fail.

Weight loss stopped despite adherence to the diet

This is quite frustrating when the stop of weight loss falls but you have not reached the target weight yet.

Losing weight is completely natural, your body is doing its best to thwart your attempts to lose weight. In fact, for every kilogram of weight you lose, your daily calorie expenditure decreases by 20 to 30% per day, while your appetite increases by 100 calories per day higher than the level it was before you started your diet. This means that losing weight is relatively easily lost at the beginning of the diet, but losing it becomes more difficult over time.

Losing weight is a normal bodily function that simply means maintaining weight loss after the end of the diet which is very difficult to achieve.

So, it's time to make healthy lifestyle changes to keep the weight loss journey flowing.

Reasons that can slow down weight loss

Not getting enough sleep

Not getting enough sleep significantly affects weight "studies in which sleep was restricted, showed an increase in ghrelin levels, a decrease in leptin levels, an increase in chronic inflammation, and a decrease in insulin sensitivity. And ghrelin and leptin are hunger hormones. And obesity also leads to an increased risk of various sleep disorders, including sleep apnea".

Not drinking enough water

Although water does not help you lose weight faster, if you are dehydrated it is not good for your health, and you can confuse the feeling of thirst with hunger.

So we should all drink at least two liters of water a day.

Drink a glass of water before each meal and this will help you feel full.

Not doing enough exercise

Weight loss programs are generally more effective in terms of weight loss if they are followed in conjunction with increasing levels of physical exercise, rather than just using calorie restriction alone.

"Exercise improves cardio-respiratory fitness and also helps with weight loss," and you should take fewer calories and spend more energy. And"the key here is to avoid sitting and not moving." 

And the fitness routine doesn't need to include an expensive gym, as Dr. Lee emphasizes that doing household chores and gardening can be enough.

Regular brisk walking and doing any activities that challenge the cardiovascular system are also possible.


Humans tend to underestimate the calories they eat, and then overestimate the amount of exercise they have done.

The only way to keep this in check is to keep an accurate food diary. 

"Be careful when controlling food portions to make sure you don't overeat .. Be honest about what's in your mouth and put it in your food diary, and you'll be surprised at the end of the week".

Not having enough fiber in your diet

Fiber is an indigestible carbohydrate that comes out in the feces unchanged, so it is necessary for your digestive system.

"Fiber secretes intestinal contents and stimulates the intestinal wall to keep things moving at the right speed. Too little fiber leads to decreased intestinal motility and constipation, but eating enough fiber speeds up the passage of food and softens the stool," he said.

Fiber also helps reduce the amount of fat absorbed by the intestines.

Not eating enough protein

If you don't eat enough protein, it can make you hungry and stop losing weight.

"The metabolic pathway of protein digestion consumes more calories than those of fats and carbohydrates. And if you are on a high-protein diet, this can accelerate calorie consumption by 80 to 100 calories per day, compared to eating a low-protein diet,".

You eat the wrong carbohydrates

Choose to eat carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, these carbohydrates release energy slowly, so they help you feel full longer.

High glycemic index foods such as white foods, white bread, white rice, and white pasta should be avoided. As well as cakes, biscuits, and sweets.


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