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Ultraviolet radiation. Protect the skin and eyes.

Ultraviolet radiation is known as a type of electromagnetic radiation coming from the sun and some industrial sources, and it is characterized by having a very short wavelength, so it cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Ultraviolet radiation. Protect the skin and eyes.

The types of ultraviolet radiation differ based on the amount of energy of each of them, as High-energy UV radiation is "ionizing" radiation that can damage cells' DNA and cause cancer. But even the highest-energy types of ultraviolet radiation do not have enough energy to penetrate deeply into the body, which limits their effect mainly on the skin.

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The sun is the main source of ultraviolet radiation and the strength of the  radiation reaching the earth depends on a number of factors:

Ultraviolet radiation is strongest after 10 a.m.

In summer.

Distance from the equator (latitude): UV exposure decreases the further away you are from the equator.

Altitude: the intensity of ultraviolet radiation increases with increasing height from the Earth's surface.

Reflection of UV radiation off of surfaces: Water, sand, snow, sidewalks, and even grass may reflect ultraviolet light, increasing exposure.


So the extent of the impact and harm of ultraviolet radiation on the strength of the radiation and the length of exposure to them also varies if the skin is protected by clothing or not.  


Exposure to UV  radiation can lead to sunburn, even on cold, foggy or cloudy days, which burns your skin as severely as direct sunlight.


Industrial sources that expose us to ultraviolet radiation include

Tanning devices and ultraviolet sterilization lamps are used to kill bacteria and other germs (in water, air, food, or on surfaces), as well as plasma torches and welding tools.

Damage from ultraviolet radiation

The harm of ultraviolet types varies with long-term damage to the skin, such as wrinkles, indirect damage to the DNA of cells sunburn, and skin cancer.

 It also causes damage to the eyes, as exposure to ultraviolet radiation damages the retina, lens, or cornea, leading to cataracts.  

Protect the skin.

Sun exposure is the main environmental risk factor for skin cancers, represented by melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer. Sunlight, and tanning devices at home, too, contain ultraviolet (UV)radiation. When exposed to ultraviolet radiation, the skin becomes susceptible to skin cancer. Several health organizations, including the World Health Organization, the American Cancer Society, the American Academy of Dermatology, and the American Academy of Pediatrics, have issued guidelines urging adherence to sun protection measures.

Tips for safety from sunlight

Use sunscreen: apply a sufficient amount of broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF factor of 30 or higher on sunny and cloudy days at least 30 minutes before leaving the House. The term "wide-range" means that the product provides protection from two types of harmful ultraviolet radiation: namely, long-term ultraviolet (UVA) and short-term ultraviolet (UVB).

Sunscreen should be reapplied every two hours, or after working, swimming, playing, or exercising outside because water and sweating can remove the sunscreen. Zinc oxide can provide additional protection for the nose, cheeks, top of the ears, or shoulders.

Wearing a hat is very important to protect from sunlight and ultraviolet Ultraviolet radiation.

Sunglasses, which provide 99-100% UV protection, reduce the vulnerability of the eyes to damage caused by exposure to sunlight.

Loose, tightly woven clothing provides more protection from the sun's radiation.

Reduce the period of exposure to sunlight at noon: the sun's ultraviolet radiation is most intense between 10 am and 4 pm. So try to reduce the period of exposure to sunlight during these hours.

Pay attention to the UV index: the UV index is a measure of the amount of ultraviolet radiation that is expected to reach the Earth's surface when the suns radiation is at its zenith in the sky (around midday). The UV index may range from 0 to 12.

From 0 to 2: low

From 3 to 5: Moderate

From 6 to 7: High

From 8 to 10: extremely loud

From 11 to 12: his maximum level

This photo shows a road cyclist wearing a helmet under a blue sky and a bright sun.

When the UV Index predicts moderate or high levels of ultraviolet radiation, it is especially important to take precautions.

Stay in the shade: look for shade when the UV radiation is most intense, knowing that shade does not provide full sun protection. Continue applying sunscreen.

Tanning beds are not used or ultraviolet medical lamps for the treatment of diseases: tanning devices at home, including beds, lamps, and booths emit ultraviolet radiation. The amount of ultraviolet radiation produced during tanning at home is comparable to the radiation from sunlight. The commission of the United States Department of Health and Human Services and the International Agency for research on cancer of the World Health Organization has declared that ultraviolet radiation emitted by sunlight and artificial sources, such as tanning beds and medical ultraviolet lamps for the treatment of diseases, is a known carcinogen (carcinogenic substance).

Self-tanning lotions and tanning sprays in beauty salons are healthy options for those who want to look tanned.

Vitamin D supplements

Exposure to sunlight is necessary for the production of vitamin D in the skin. Since lack of sunlight can lead to vitamin D deficiency, cancer survivors may need to take a vitamin D supplement. Survivors should communicate with their healthcare provider about vitamin D supplementation.

How ultraviolet rays can harm your eyes

Humans are frequently exposed to UV rays that can damage the eyes and the skin around them, and this means that it is important to protect your eyes using products such as tonal lenses.

 Eye damage can be caused by repeated exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Cataracts of the eye

The lenses in your eyes become cloudy and become more opaque with this condition, and cataracts eventually lead to blindness, and you need surgery to treat this condition.

Macular degeneration

This is a major cause of blindness in people over the age of 55, which is the result of eye damage accumulated throughout your life, and there is currently no cure.


Corneal damage

The cornea is essential for correct vision, and UV waves can especially damage this part of your eye.


Skin damage

The skin around the eyes is also prone to damage caused by ultraviolet rays, examples of skin problems caused by ultraviolet rays are dryness, wrinkles, loss of elasticity, and spotted pigmentation. 

Certain types of cancer

UV light interferes with the bases that make up DNA, and this leads to mutations that can cause cancer.


What color lenses are used to protect the eyes from Rays

Photochromic lenses are ideal for people who need to wear glasses all the time, the main purposes of photochromic lenses are to protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation and eliminate the need for a separate pair of sunglasses.


How do achromatic lenses work

Photochromic lenses have existed since the Sixties, and the technology has changed a lot since then, but the basic principles have remained the same, and in general, such lenses work using chemical reactions caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

The first photochromic lenses were made of glass and coated with silver chloride and silver halide, among other molecules, and these silver compounds underwent a chemical change when they reacted with ultraviolet waves, the chemical change caused them to darken, and the reaction was reversed when the ultraviolet light disappeared.

Today lenses are made of several different materials, proprietary photochromic dyes are added to these materials in several ways, the molecules inside these dyes undergo color changes at different rates when exposed to ultraviolet radiation, and the lenses should darken in proportion to the amount of ultraviolet radiation they receive.

5 Easy Ways to protect the eyes from solar and ultraviolet rays

1. The eyes may be damaged by the sun's Rays at any time of the year, especially in sunnier climates than others, so it is imperative to wear sunglasses that block UV rays and wide-brimmed hats when outside.

2. When buying sunglasses, it should be ensured that the label on the glasses indicates the provision of 99%, 100% UV protection or the provision of protection from all ultraviolet rays up to 400 in length.  

3. Ultraviolet rays penetrate the clouds, therefore, it is imperative to use a means of protection from the sun's rays even when it is cloudy.

4. Never look at the sun in a direct form, even during an eclipse, this can seriously damage the retina.

5. Help children and the elderly protect their eyes from the sun's rays by wearing hats and sunglasses.


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